MRB Asset Class Indicators are updated monthly and are designed to give clients a readily accessible view of key drivers of the financial markets.
Corporate Profits (as of February 5, 2025) |
U.S. Equity Sectors Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Global Equities Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Emerging Market Equities Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Global Fixed Income Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Emerging Markets Fixed Income Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Foreign Exchange Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Emerging Markets Foreign Exchange Indicators (as of February 5, 2025) |
Momentum Sentiment & Positioning (as of February 5, 2025) |
Weak Links (Household Imbalances) (as of February, 2025) |
MRB US Recession Checklist Indicator (as of February 7, 2025) |